Thursday, January 15, 2015

As I am in my fifties now I am starting to feel the threat of becoming mundane and being replaced at work by a younger generation. One that knows nothing, has no experience and on top of that isnt even "a  native English speaker". How can this be?  Well at the one place where I was replaced by the headmasters son who just came back from Canada and needs something to do, the son is not only a poor English speaker but he is "stopid" (on top of being a none native speaker). Also he hasnt got a clue about handling kids, entertaining or teaching for that matter.
 Oh well...that was soon part of history and although I some times wonder how the jerk is doing I dont really care.  It was once a week for 45 minutes, so not a very big chunk outta my life.
The latest threat is from this Kindergarten/Nursery School (the largest in Japan with over 500 kids) where the principal/ head master literally has a hard on for foreign chicks.  Classic situation in Japan and a little retro cause it used to happen a lot during the bubble era. However, I am being literally replaced by a blonde busty German bitch who knows nothing of English culture or tradition. She speaks english with a heavy accent and also is inexperienced. Just goes to show how much one is appreciated.  I know I appear slanted but I would even go so far as to say that she is nothing but white trash. Not that a horny short Japanese male would ever know this or even be able to figure this out.
It is offensive as I consider myself professional and have nothing to pull out of the hat to change the situation. Of course the unmentioned is that these bimbos are also a lot cheaper and more easily exploited.  Thinking of what to do next as I have only two more months before the axe falls.
Wish me luck!